Naturopathic and Functional Medicine

Hello, Thanks for joining me! As naturopathic doctor with a focus on women's health & hormones, 20+ years of experience, and a passion for wellness, I'm here to teach you how to live your healthiest life.

My mission is to EMPOWER & INSPIRE women to live healthy, vibrant lives, so that they can learn self-care and change the world.

 How it Works

During your appointment we will thoroughly review and assess your health issues and goals together, map out your health timeline, and discuss strategies to bring you back into balance. We will be looking at your health as a whole, not only your main complaints. 

In most cases, we will do lab testing to thoroughly assess. This is mainly through bloodwork, but may include functional medicine tests such as comprehensive stool analysis, SIBO test, food sensitivity testing or organic acid test, or using a continuous glucose monitor or sleep tracker. 

Your treatment plan is a personalized step-by-step process starting with health foundations, and addressing your current health needs. It may include a nutrition plan, exercise, stress reduction, vitamins & supplements, and hormone replacement therapy where appropriate.

 What is Functional 


Functional Medicine is individualized medicine, addressing the root cause of illness with a science-based approach that focuses on the patient rather than the disease. It is a unique and comprehensive form of medicine that starts at the roots with nutrition, sleep, movement, stress and relationships, and then moves up through genetic susceptibilities, environmental triggers, and life events.

Functional medicine organizes your health information and symptoms into systems which can become imbalanced, rather than labeling as a disease. What this means is that by creating balance within the systems, creating a stronger base at the roots, and eliminating obstacles, we can reverse disease and restore health. It puts you as a patient into an empowered position of health optimization for the long-term.

 Hi, I'm Dr. Shawna... 

I believe that with the right kind of education and support, that your body can heal and return to a state of optimal health. My job is to ask the right questions, perform the right tests, and thoroughly understand all aspects of your health, in order understand what systems are out of balance. From here, we work together to remove obstacles, strengthen and repair systems, emphasize excellent nutrition and self-care, and fill in any gaps with other skilled practitioners. My goal for you is to learn how to manage your health well for the long-run, not just to solve your current health concern.

I use a combination of naturopathic medicine and functional medicine, in order to bring your the highest quality, most evidence-based care.


 How To Work With Me 

As a licensed and registered Naturopathic Doctor, I work one-on-one with clients in Ontario. Get started with a complimentary 15 minute meet and greet appointment to learn more.

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You can book your appointments directly online here.

If you prefer to call or email, you can reach the clinic at: phone: 416-214-9251

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Copyright © 2024 Dr. Shawna Darou

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